And no, I haven’t confused a waiter with a nurse or a kitchen with a consulting room. This kind of pulse has nothing to do with be still my beating heart…
No, this is an entirely different kettle of fish (or chickpeas, as the case may be). A month has flown by since Andrew’ seasonal salad edition of the ever-popular Waiter, There’s Something in my… event, and now it’s my turn to host again. It’s a bit of a weird time of year here in England – you kind of think we’ve had enough winter now and summer is just around the corner. But then the entire country is battered by such vicious storms that it feels as if winter has returned. So I couldn’t entirely go with a winter theme, nor could I in all honesty say I felt summery.
But pulses (or legumes, if you will)are your friends, rain, wind or shine. Think beans, lentils and chickpeas. Think warming casseroles and colourful salads. In fact, there’s no weather that’s the wrong weather for pulses.
The rules are simple:
1. Write up your legume recipe and please link back to this announcement in your post. Please note that it MUST be a new post featuring your dish – I will not accept a link to a post you had already put up before this announcement was made – and the post must not be entered into another event as well (photography events like DMBLGiT excluded).
2. E-mail me. Please make sure that Waiter there’s something in my features in the subject line.
3. In the e-mail please include:
- the URL of your entry
- your blog’s name
- the name of the dish
- your approximate location
4. The deadline for entries is Friday 28 March and I hope to have the roundup posted early the following week.
So let’s see if you all have your fingers on the pulse!
I really need to start getting involved in these “Waiter…” events. Don’t know why but I’ve never gotten around to it. I need to get my arse in gear!
Excellent! Just as I was thinking that perhaps WTSIM… would be postponed until next month, you come through.
Ummm… do you have a hidden camera in our kitchen, Jeanne?! We’re just in the process of making puy lentils for tonight’s dinner!
count me in, I am working on my pulses as we speak. Will blog about it in the next few days!
I’m like Scott – must get arse in gear! I’m just running a little behind (sic) lately.
But I love pulses (both kinds)…I’ll have to see what can be done in a week!
Recipe: Pantry Chickpeas
I’ve been looking for more blogging events to enter. They’re fun, and they give me a little more direction in terms of what I want to make. It’s also a lot of fun to see what other people have come
Waiter, There’s Something In My… Beans
Take one tin of mixed beans, drain and rinse. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and gently fry a handful of chopped pancetta, add a little chopped garlic, then add a few slices of black pudding…
I enjoyed this theme very much; I’ve submitted my entry to you via email… hope you got it! (My email seems to be doing some strange things.)
can i still send my entry or is it closed…in ismyblogburning site the closing date is given as april 5th…if so plz let me know..i want to send my entry to this event!!
hi jeanne..
thank u so much for letting me know that i can still enter my post…I have mailed u my entry.I hope u got it.Plz let me know if u havent!!!Thank u
thank u so much jeanne..i hope u make it in the weekend:)…looking fwd to the round up…
Oh, silly me – I forgot to submit my Egyptian lentil soup before leaving for Spain 🙁