South Koster Island, West Sweden – October 2011
The Koster Islands are situated off the north coast of West Sweden, not a million miles from Norway, and are Sweden’s most westerly inhabited islands. South Koster covers an area of only about 8 square kilometres, so it is perfectly possible to walk or cycle the whole island in a day. The island is car-free and full of pretty clapboard houses, lovely views, and gorgeous scenery like this. It’s a fantastic place to cycle, walk, relax, think… or just be. You can read more about my visit to Sweden here, or view an album of my Sweden trip photos here.
Saturday Snapshots is a series of non-food photographs published every Saturday on CookSister. Previously featured photographs can be viewed on the Saturday Snapshots archive pages. Photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as high-quality greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store, or even as high-quality A3-size calendars. If you want a custom calendar with your own selection of photos, starting with any month (not only January), please e-mail me and we can discuss your requirements. They make great gifts, for friends, family or for yourself.
anywhere but norway is a million miles from norway. a lovely shot but it’s the rfh that awaits us about a million miles from here :o)
I like the fact that the place is car free. Sounds like a great way for people to really take in the scenery.
Love this shot – look slike something I might take…
Beautiful shot, Jeanne. Beautiful. I love the focus on the swaying fronds (wheat?). Dreamy.