Viktualienmarkt cat – Munich, September 2007
Munich’s Viktualienmarkt is a feat for both the eyes and the tastebuds. The market started out as a farmers’ market, moved there from the nearby Marienplatz in 1807 when the market outgrew the square. On an area covering 22,000m², 140 stalls and shops offer flowers, exotic fruit, game, poultry, spices, cheese, fish, juices and takeaway foods like leberkaese or bratwurst on a roll. It’s a great place to stroll, take photographs, have lunch, or just to spy on everyone from between the plants at the florist, like this tabby cat was doing.
Saturday Snapshots is a series of non-food photographs published every Saturday on CookSister. Previously featured photographs can be viewed on the Saturday Snapshots archive pages. Many photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as high-quality greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store, or even as high-quality A3-size calendars. If you want a custom calendar with your own selection of photos, starting with any month (not only January), please e-mail me and we can discuss your requirements.
That is an amazing photograph!!!! You have been at the right place, at the right moment again!!!!
What a gorgeous photograph!!!! wow!!! and a beautiful kitty too!! Sounds like a great place to visit – the joy of living in Uk/ Europe is you get to go anywahere quite easily!!
Wow, you got it to stare at you and stay still for a bit, I’m impressed! Great high-intensity shot 🙂
Stunning photograph, Jeanne!
Wonderlike foto! Ek dink jy het die 000 by die 22m²vergeet… Ons bly net buite München en ek is skoon verlief op die stad! Het net soos julle die Oktoberfest (Wiesn) geniet!
Baie geluk met die uitstekende food blog, jy is sommer op my desktop, so ek loer gereeld in!
I love this shot Jeanne.
You are so amazingly talented.
Stunning, stunning photo! My favourite so far. And the market sounds mighty fine too 🙂
Cute kitty! The market sounds fun too. This is why I need to travel again, see cats around the world and different markets.
What a stunning picture, Jeanne! I love how the cat looks at the camera 🙂
What an amazing photo…just stunning! And the market sounds really interesting……Im not sure if I have asked you before but what camera do you use Jeanne? Thanx…and thanx for the mail. Will reply in the morning…bit tired tonight :o) xxx