Oh, the irony!
Despite the fact that by regular blogging rhythm has been ridiculously disrupted, that I don’t so mch have a study as a room so full of boxes that I cannot see the floor, and that I struggle to churn out just one post a week for the last month or so, guess what?
Yes folks, the Cooksister herself is having (I think) her third go at hosting Does My Blog Look Good in This, the perennially popular food photography administered by my friend Andrew.
So… what are the rules?
- Only one food/drink photograph may be entered per person
- The photograph must have been taken by you
- The photograph must have been posted on your blog during June of 2009
- The deadline to submit your entry is 20 July at midnight, UK time
- A panel of judges will assess the quality of all of the entries before eventually selecting winners from the pictures. There will be winners in the following categories:
- Aesthetics: composition, food styling, lighting, focus, etc.
- Edibility: Does the photo make us want to take a big bite out of our computer monitor while drooling on our keyboard?
- Originality: a photo that makes you stop, look twice, and think “wow, I never thought of photographing it like that before!”
- Overall Winner: the photograph that scores the highest when individual scores for Aesthetics, Edibility and Originality are added up.
- Results will be announced on 31 July 2009.
So how can you join in?
- Draft an e-mail with DMBLGiT in the subject line.
- Attach one qualifying food or drink photo, preferably 350 pixels in width.
- Include the following:
- Your name
- Your blog URL
- The title of the image/what it is
- The URL of the post where the photo first appeared
- The camera you used
- Send me the e-mail
- Please not that by sumbitting a photo, entrants agree to their photo being redisplayed and altered in size on the host’s page and on the SpittoonExtra DMBLGiT page
I am back from my fab Italian break and have created the album of entries – please do go and take a look!
May the best pic win 🙂
Hello, I was just wondering if you could confirm the link to the Picasa gallery? Thanks so much! 🙂
just mailed u my entry.. beautiful pictures in the gallery.
Please could you give me your mail-adress ???
I can’t send you my entry with the link on the post.
Sorry, but I have troubles sending you my entry for the dmblgit of July 09.
So, I give you here my entry. For the photo, please contact me and I’ll send it to you.
Thanks for comprehension.
– my name: verO
– my blog URL: http://delimoon.wordpress.com/
– title of the photo: tarte aux cerises / cherries tart
– URL of the post where the photo first appear: http://delimoon.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/le-temps-des-cerises-une-tarte-toute-simple-pour-commencer/
– the cam I used: canon eos 350D
The photo for the dmblgit is the first on the post.
Hi Jennifer,
seems like I’m not the only one having trouble sending you my entry because it still doesn’t show up on the gallery. So if you don’t mind, i’ll post it here just in case..
name: sandra
blog: http://sandrakavital.blogspot.com
title: Saffron & Cardamom panna cotta
post url: http://sandrakavital.blogspot.com/2009/06/panna-cotta-saveur-des-indes-safran.html
camera: CANON EOS 350D
photo entry: 3rd of the post
Hope it’s not too late
thank you!
I meant ‘Hi Jeanne’… oops!!
Fantastic entries in the gallery.