Cooksister | Food, Travel, Photography

WTSIM #20 – for the love of gourd



Oh the guilt!!

Here I am, living the high life in Chicago with all my good intentions of blogging early every morning in tatters.  I have neglected all you lovely readers.  But in my defense I can say that I have been busy.  I have explored Chicago inside and out.  I have spent 2 amazing days in Washington DC.  I have been to Galena and seen the Mississippi for the first time.  I have been mesmerised, delighted and awe-struck at least once a day since I arrived.  It’s heady stuff, I tell you.  So please forgive me and I promise I’ll be back and blogging when I return to London.

In the meanwhile, I thought I’d better get a move on and announce the theme for this month’s Waiter, There’s Something in My… event which I am hosting.  In keeping with the seasonal theme, and mindful of the astonishing variety out there, I have decided to go all Halloween on you and pick gourds as the theme. What counts as a gourd?  All pumpkins, squashes, zucchini, pattypans and other vegetables growing on vines – in fact any member of the Cucurbitaceae family.  (I will allow melons too, even though they weren’t part of my original plan!)  So I really have left the field wide open – those of you currently experiencing Spring can wow me with your zesty zucchini creations, while those who are experiencing Autumn can pamper me with pumpkin pie.

As usual, here are the rules:

1. Write up your gourd dish on your blog, remembering to include a link back to this announcement in your post.

2.  E-mail me.  Please make sure that Waiter there’s something in my features in the subject line.

3. In the e-mail please include:

4.  The deadline for entries is Saturday 1 November and I hope to have the roundup posted later that week.

5.  When the roundup is posted, please also include a link to that in your post.

See you back here on the 1st – and until then, go with gourd 🙂

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