Cooksister | Food, Travel, Photography

“Around the World” meme



About a million years ago, Pille tagged me with this meme.   At the time I promised to join in, wrote a quick draft post and then promptly forgot about it.  As you do!! 😉

But in a renewed drive to get draft posts finished and posted, I have finally got round to completing it and here it is.  Thanks Pille – I had fun filling in the blanks!

1. Please list three recipes you have recently bookmarked from food blogs to try:

2. Three food blogs in your vicinity:

3. Three food blogs located far from you:

4. A foodblog (or several) you have discovered recently (and where did you find it?)

5.  Any people or bloggers you want to tag with this meme?

Nah – I’m so late I’m sure everyone’s already done it!!  But if anyone reading this particularly wants to join in the memelicious fun, please consider yourself tagged 😉

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